Important customer information

What information does The Plant Key Shop online collect?

When you visit our website, our web server automatically recognizes the domain name and e-mail address (where possible). We collect the domain of visitors to our web site, the e-mail address of those who communicate with us via e-mail and user-specific information on which pages consumers access or visit.

Why do we collect this information?

The information we collect is used to improve the content of our website, and to customise the content and/or layout of our pages for each individual consumer.

Will I be contacted by The Plant Key Shop?

If you supply us with your e-mail or postal address online, you may receive periodic e-mails from us with information on new products, services and upcoming events.

You can opt out from receiving e-mails or postal communications at any time.

Does The Plant Key Shop share customer lists?

Under NO circumstances will we ever share your contact details or email addresses with ANY third party.

This information is strictly held between The Plant Key Shop and you, our valued customer.

Is my credit card and personal information safe?

We use Paypal as our preferred method of payment and they have safeguards to ensure your information is stored securly.

We guarantee that every online transaction you make will be 100% safe.

Returning Merchandise

Our Guarantee

The Plant Key Shop is proud to offer exceptional products.

If an item fails to meet your expectations, simply notify us by email within 7 days of the items arrival & then return it to us and we will take it back for an exchange or full refund of the product cost minus all shipping charges.


Please allow 7 days after item has been successfully returned before a refund is issued.

Please remember, refunds on shipping and handling are credited only when an item is incorrectly shipped.


Product Availability

We strive to have products in stock and ready to ship whenever you place your order, usually within 3 working days of payment receipt.

We will always advise you of estimated shipping dates if  shipping is likely to be later than 3 working days.

Product Specifications

Our products are usually as pictured on our website, however small variations may occur. These variations are cosmetic and do not affect the successful fitment of the product supplied.

If there is any significant difference we will ask for you to confirm that you do still want the goods prior to shipment.

Shipping,Insurance & Tax


We ship to a lot of countries around the world, and always use the most cost effective method to reach your door safely.

For smaller packages (up to 0.25kgs), we use Royal Mail 1st Class and usually are delivered next day.  Typically deliveries to Europe are delivered within 5 days and USA, Canada, Australia and other regions of the world within 10 working days.


Shipping insurance is NOT included in any of our selling prices, this is an additional cost option which has to be specified by the customer.

Taxes & Duty

ANY taxes or duties that are applied within the destination country are not covered within our selling prices, and are therefore the responsibility of the buyer.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several items I want to buy, do you accept bids?

No – all prices are final.

If I buy more than one item at a time, can I get a discount?

Whatever savings we can generate by shipping multiple items, we are always happy to pass back to you our customer, this typically is done as a partial refund directly after we have shipped (or just as soon as we know exactly the shipping costs).

Please contact us by email to discuss your potential requirements.

Does The Plant Key Shop offer wholesale pricing?

No, but each account is monitored and if significant orders are placed continuously, we are willing to come to an agreement.